Saturday, July 26, 2014

What we´re doing in our summer break

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Experiments. Eva, especially. Preferably with a little audience.

 A nice experiment for a hot summer day is the instant slushie - we found  this video and had wanted to see if it really works for a while. It does :)
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...and if you need to crush some lemons for the drink and don´t have a pestle, a beekeeper´s pic does the job quite well. :)
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Meeting friends we haven´t seen in a while. During work/school time, social life has to lay pretty low, which is a shame, and over now.
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That´s Ronnie and her very best childhood friend, who spent so many days and nights with us she practically is family. The two of them had a lot of silly bets and dares over the last weeks, most of them ending with buckets of water being emptied on each other´s heads.

Going to town, to see what they´ve got to offer in the local mall is a nice idea when it rains...
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...and so is reading - of course!
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Mehmet has read 3 (!) books so far, all by him self, and I am so relieved at least one of my boys has finally found out about the joy of reading! They love listening to me or Tim reading books, but so far, they´ve never read for themselves. I´m happy to see that changing!

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Ronnie and I have been making duct tape wallets, so both of us stop carrying all our stuff in various pockets and purses, as we´ve done so far. There are tons of tutorials on youtube on how to make one.
And the pictures of Mehmet and Miro are really, really sad. They are their new passport pictures, we´ve been taking them last week. Mehmet and Miro were very impressed with the many rules for passport pictures, especially the "Don´t smile" rule. They took that very serious.

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...and Eva and I have been making super soft handbalm with almond oil, honey and beeswax. So awesome!

Also, we´ve been busy packing and organizing the last things for our trip - on Monday, we´ll be leaving for a three week trip to Austria, Slovenia and Croatia, and we spent quite some time washing the sleeping bags, finding the camping stuff, trying out which tent stil works, finding campsites and holiday homes and learning how to say "Thank you" in Croatian. It´s Hvala, by the way.

I know that´s I´ll have wireless internet from at least three places on the road so far, so I´m looking forward to blogging from the road, which is my favourite kind of blogging - the posts I wrote when we were in Spain or England or Russia are the ones I still enjoy reading the most myself. 

If I find the time, I might write some pre-sceduled posts in advance, but I´m not sure about that.


This is the one song all six of us want on the mixtape for the long ride. The one song we all agree on. I know it´s been totally overplayed into annoyingness, but dang, it´s got swing!

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