Saturday, January 8, 2011

365 - Week One. And a template for you.

I guess you know about Project 365? It´s all over the net, as it has been, I guess, every january for the last couple of years. I know some of you post their photos on their blog, or at Flickr. Some keep them to them selves, which is probably the most resonable option. I´m not like this. I´m scrapping a mighty fine layout, journaling my whole life into it, and putting it on my blog. Sigh. But here it is:
Credits for the  pretty colored papers go to Pam from digitreats, who, apparently, after a long break, took up her designing work, again, too. Man, if we now only could convince Angie from Ikea godess to come back... sigh.... Again.

And if you want to use this design, you can just download a nicely zipped .psd. It will look like this:

I think next week on Saturday, you might get another one. If you want it, I mean. And if you´re intending to stock up your files with even more templates, check out my sidebar. There are plenty. And if you use them, I´d be more than thrilled to see your results, girls :)

My music for today is: 
I figure this was on the soundtrack to P.S. I love you? Well, I haven´t read that book, neither have I seen that movie. I always thought it was too romantic for my liking. But thinking about it - what could really be too romantic for a woman with a Twilight-tattoo on her left shoulder? Huh? However, this song is one to make my feet bounce, one to make me remember the times I spend my Saturday nights twirling in a pub to some nice folk :)


Anonymous said...

Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave in the DigiFree category today [09 Jan 01:00am GMT]. Thanks, Maria

Melissa said...

Thank you so much for sharing the templates. I appreciate it.

Denise said...

Thank you! And I agree with you regarding Pam @ Digitreats-my favorite and Ikea Goddess.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing!

Sister, we need each other! said...

do you just use photoshop?

Anonymous said...

Thank you!

Paula said...

Hi! I'm back too after a very long break. Good to read all your family is well. thanks for the templates - I am trying to nut out one for my catch up on 2004-2008 albums, cause I like to have a uniform look. I'm crazy like that! Will let you know.
take care,

Creatrish said...

Merci pour le template! xxxxx