Thursday, August 11, 2011


Last night, I went to an exceptional, mindblowing and intimate concert of Vienna Teng, in a venue that was so tiny that artists and audience were literally touching, and I could have easily reached out to pick that one loose hair off her back. I felt the music resonate in my whole body and realized, once again, that music is above everything.

I somewhere read the statement that "Music can create desires that music itsself can never satisfy." And though it sounded nice in my ears, I don´t agree with it. Music can satisfy every desire, at least for me.

Imagine this, earshattering loud, filling the whole tiny room completely with it´s vibrations, washing over you like a bath of sound. I know I´m sounding pretentious, but that´s how it felt. What other drug or satisfaction could I possibly desire?

Here´s one video of "Grandmother song" I took last night:

As usually with my videos, I don´t expect you to click them, because the quality is rather poor, and the video can never be able to transport the atmosphere. But since this is my party over here, I can post it, just as a memory for myself.

1 comment:

nils said...

its been truly great to sit there and to listen to such a great performer.
and yes your vid hardly captures the atmosphere in that tiny room.