Monday, June 23, 2014


This weekend has been busy and satisfyingly productive, so I´m typing my usual Sunday post just now :)

My kids earned some money.
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There´s a newly built biketrail not far from our home, and it´s highly frequented by joggers, rollerskaters and, well, of course, bikers. And my super, super cute kids took this opportunity to earn some pocket money by selling cake they baked the day before...
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...and honey, water and loombands.

They sat there all day long, and they even had flyers with maps, to help bikers out who got lost.
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I especially loved their adoringly cute advertisement signs...
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...for which they even invented letters that don´t exist in the german langage :)

Eva also had a stand, not far from where the three little ones sat, together with her friends - and she made twice the amount of money. Unfortunately, I  didn´t take any picture of her. They cool thing is, tomorrow, they´re doing the same thing again - to donate their income to Africa, which I find pretty sweet.

And did I mention they sat there *all day long* ?

So I had a lot of free time on my hands, which I used to...
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..repaint the garden gate...

...and also, in a spontanious outburst over my far-too-crowded bookshelves, I rearranged the living room, including a trip to Ikea and turning our living room practically into a library, sorting all our books by theme and genre.
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Initially, I just felt very annoyed by the fact I couldn´t squeeze in my new Robert Galbraith (a.k.a J.K. Rowling) novel into the space destinated for her books, and then quickly found more books who I thought deserved a better spot.

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I feel my shelves look a little empty now, but Tim suggested it might not be clever to buy just one bookshelf, when that would only bring me through the next year or so, so we got three... see, that is why I married this man :)

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We´ve got that living room picture in the kitchen now, since we couldn´t part from it, but there is seriously no hanging space left anymore, and well, I quite like some clutter. And see the lavender? That´s from our garden :)

There´s something awesome about feeling like one achieved a lot in a short span of time. 


Isn´t he cool with his paper keyboard? I think so!
 And now I´m off to bed, or to read, depending on how grown up and reasonable I am and on how exciting the book is :)

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