Sunday, January 19, 2014


...I just took a month off blogging.
It´s not like I didn´t want to blog, but at first, during our holidays, I just allowed the days to flow by - and after that it´s so hard to get started again - especially after school started.

So before I´m back with my regular tutorials/look-what-crazy-things-we-tried posts, this is just a quick catch up on what we spent our time with during January - since this my diary, you know :)

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We took a beekeping class. We, that´s me, Ronni and Tim, and it was just the first class - we´ve got two more booked, and I bet there are some more meetings to follow - we´re pretty much decided on installing a backyard beehive as soon as spring´s around the corner.

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We dug around in the garden. Because the winter is soft and mellow, just as I like it, and we´re looking forward to planting stuff.

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We had friends over, lots of them, and made waffles and vanilla sauce and hot raspberries.

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We took the time to finally finish that roller coaster Ronni won on the craft´s fair - it took ages, but it´s finally running and proves to have awesome meditation qualities:

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Also, we took the time to play with our Christmas presents - assemble Mehmets little diorama houses and read many thick books and work with watercolors - man, I was so hungry for that. The kids tried working on a stop-motion movie with their Playmobil guys, and they blocked my camera for a long time - which is, in fact, another reason why I didn´t post.

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We celebrated Eva´s 12th birthday, and yes, that´s Harry Styles from One Direction standing next to her cake - she got ticket´s to their concert for her birthday, oh, and that´s one nice gift for me, too :) I´m so looking forward to taking my giggly, bubbly young lady out for some proper boyband-adoring screaming :)

And we celebrated her birthday with a vampire dinner yesterday:
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So, there I am. I prepared several nice, proper craft posts to follow up during the next week - but for now, I´m going to bed - terribly early for me, but there´s school tomorrow -  starting at 8, some writing in between, and then some more school until four... but I think I´ll be enjoying it.
Also, I applied for a writer´s class in spring. Trying to sell Simon Summer. But that´s a completely different story :)


I discovered this band about a month ago, and I really fell in love with their cozy, cam music - it´s so gorgeous for drawing or writing.

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