Sunday, July 28, 2013

It is summer.

Did I mention anything about writing a structured post last time?
Yeah. Sure.

I got thrown back a little by some nasty strep throat infection (which I cured by staying in bed for a week and dining on my homemade ribwort syrup while watching unmentionable youtube videos about various interesting religious sects on youtube), and also, maybe, by my old laptop finally dying - it had, to begin with, been an old outcast 30 Euro laptop from Tim´s company, and it was never working well. Good thing is, I didn´t lose any precious data, and now I have this brandnew, shiny laptop which is realy working well.

Also, summer holidays have started last week, so it´s no school for my five kids and me. (five, because Elisa is still living with us. She´s cool. We´d like her to move in, she fits in so well. :)

So, what have we been doing...
 We made weired paper sculptures, yet to be finished.

We found tiny frogs, hundreds of them, to jump on our hands and in our hair.

We went to parks with slides and boats and lots of water.

We got suntanned and splashed around.

We rode rollercoasters on the cute, tiny local fair - actually, Mehmet, Miro and I were the first to test the rollercoaster, for free, which was pretty awesome.

 We hosted a ranger from a national park in Botwana and his daughter, and man, that was fascinating for sure.  

We fed cows. Actually, we do that quite often.

We ate icecream.

Also, I´m pretending to be a good countrywife, canning and making juice and pickling cucumber and flavouring oils and drying herbs and harvesting what is there to harvest. I shall post about it.

We´ve been planning our vacation - we´ll take a hired car and ride somewhere south, presumably Spain, but we can never know.

And we tried our hand at T-Shirt modification- I shall post about that, too.
Now, some music:

This is fun listening to while driving a car, with the windows rolled down, popping strawberries into my husband´s mouth. Or in the shower. Or while sweeping the floor. No, really, I can´t imagine a situation in which this song wouldn´t be fun.So turn up your speakers :)

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