Friday, May 18, 2012

Things I do when I´m not blogging:

Taking pictures of my girls doing yoga...
(In fact, it was Eva who wanted to show Ronja how to do yoga... okay, who´s the yogi here? ;) )
Riding to serene places to play in the water (you knew that one, didn´t you?),

and finding a really long suspension bridge there, to bounce on.
 Taking pictures of Ronni hanging under the ceiling. 
And helping her carry the Olympic fire of her school.
Going to Colognes coolest globetrotter store,
 where they not only have a pool to test boats and diving assesoires, but also a rain chamber,
and a tank with jellyfish.
We went there to get the twins backpacks- they were the only ones left in the family without a proper one, and they´ll need one.

Speaking of backpacking, we also had Couchsurfers over, again... awesome couple in their early 50´s, part dutch part german, on their way by foot to Spain, who dropped in for a night and told us about their travels. We´re also expecting another Couchsurfer tonight, so maybe, just maybe, I should go and tidy up - at least a little :)

So I´m putting up some fast and bouncy music to get me working!

But now you know I didn´t get lost. Life just was fast :)

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