Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Boys and cricket bats...

See this calm, peaceful scene?Well, ten minutes later they walked out into the garden, Miro took the cricket bat in a brave attempt to save his brother from a wasp attack and hit him on the head. Bam.
It was just a laceration, but still Mehmet and my husband spent about 5 hours in emergency, waiting, to check if his skull was okay. Well, apparently it was, as Mehmet was bouncing around five minutes later allready, and the bleeding stopped pretty fast. But still... boys...

On a nicer note, I began teaching Eva her first chords on the mando: So now she knows about as much as I know :-) It helps that she developed enough power to push down the strings through her violinplaying, I tried to teach those chords to Ronja, as well, but it was a lot harder for her.
And speaking of strings, and what some people can do with them, did you know about Rodrigo y Gabriela? Can´t belive I missed them until now:
I mean, merge Metallica and Take five, and a thousand other influences, and make it sound so goddamn awesome? Wow!

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