Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Plant some trees. Have some cookies.

It´s fall break over here.

Only, not really, since we´re all still going to school nontheless - there are still around 150 kids in our school that need to be entertained during fall break, since their parents are working.
Good thing is - we start ´round 12 ó clock, the weather is stunningly warm, I can - of course - bring my own kids, and my favourite colleague and I spent our days planting trees, with the help of around 25 kids, to enhance our schoolyard.

So awesome! I mean, I can tell my kids - and I mean all of them, my own, and the ones from my class - "Imagine! This tree you´ve just planted - one day, you´ll be an old grandma, or grandpa, and that day, this school will still be here, and kids that aren´t even born yet will climb on their branches. And teachers that aren´t even born yet either will tell them to take good care. And they will sit in the shadow or pick apples - just because of what you just did."

Now, if that´s not the cooles thing ever, than I don´t know. Together, we planted 40 beech trees, 3 tiny apple trees and several gorses. We found plenty of worms, too:

And when we get home...´s almost dark and I only get blurry pics, but I think it still shows the atmosphere - a completely cluttered kitchen, dragons dangling from the lamp, boys drawing, girls knitting, friends included, empty juice bottles on the table and the Hogwarts banner on the wall - and that chair with the clouds on it - that´s my spot.
At that table.
Only - planting trees on the schoolyard - and bandaging knees and changing peed pants and reading stories and doing cheap magic tricks and applauding so many small things - that´s my spot, too.
And we even managed to make some cookies after school:

Have some Sarah Jarosz to end the night with - or to sweeten your morning coffee, depending on where - or whenever you are.

I still like me some good old bluegrass.
We´re going to Games convention tomorrow - I´m not sure when I´ll get around to posting about it, or if. I´m off now, for one last cigarette, and maybe one or two, but definetely not more, chapters of Elizabeth George´s new novel.
See you :)

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