Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The bandana skirt.

I made a bandana skirt for Ronnie!

I had planned this for a while, I was only waiting for the store to have cheap bandanas - last week, they had.
Each bandana cost me 1 Euro, and the elastic I had still lying around here from some other project, so this skirt had a total material cost of 2 Euro.

And my Ronnie loves it.

This time, I didn´t take pictures of the process - you can hop over to Alphamom, who not only has an awesome nickname, but also a very detailed tutorial on how to make this beauty - and, as all bandana crafts, this is super quick and easy and very beginner-friendly.

Btw, the shirt she´s wearing is also handmade - it´s an old T-shirt from Tim, and we cut it and tied some knots in it. She thinks it´s pretty cool. To be honest, I think so, too, even though my colleague today told me one of the moms in school said she thinks Ronnie looks "neglected". Because my colleague is cool, she laughed really hard and told her there´s no need to fear, Ronnie is just very... um... creative and individual.
I vow to encourage Ronja to continue her indivduality :)

Actually, my neglected Ronnie hasn´t even been here all week long, she´s on a class trip, riding ponies. And Eva´s in France, still, from where she writes regular mails - she seems to be enjoying her time there. She went to Asterix-Parc, which is what she wrote about most - that, and how long dinner takes :) . I´ll have both of them back by the end of the week, though - hallelujah!


I´m still in my Bastille/To kill a king- phase. There might come a day when I stop posting videos from them, but not in the near future :)

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