Wednesday, September 5, 2012


2 styles, 2 Euros, 2 minutes.

I know this summer is almost over, but this sewing project is so quick and easy and fun that I just had to do it.
See, this morning, I found bandanas on sale.

For a Euro each.

I´ve always loved the cowgirlish style of them, plus, it´s very, very cheap fabic that comes already hemmed...what´s not to love?
I experimented with two styles, but don´t be scared, both are super simple.
For each shirt, you´ll need 2 bandanas, some ribbon of your choice, security pins (for threading the ribbon), and yarn.
So, Eva´s first:

Fold one corner of the bandana over, like this:

And then sew it shut, with about 2 centimetres room to thread the ribbon through.

Repeat the same on the second bandana. If you like to, you can cut of the flap, but you don´t need to. Now,  take your security pin and thread the ribbon. Doing this, you gather the fabric. It totally makes sense to secure the ribbon in the middle with a few stitches... or else, it will easily flop out all the time.
Okay, and then all you have to do is sew the two sides together, right side facing right side of course, and tie the ribbons according to your little girl´s size. And voila, you´re ready to go!

Okay, then there´s Ronja´s top:

The procedure is the same, with one slight difference:
Instead of folding over a corner, you just make an ordinary straight hem. And thread your ribbon through it. And then, same as above. Sew the sides together, tie your ribbons, and...

Go play :)

Okay, I admit they take probably a little longer than 2 minutes... like, 5. But really - I made two today, between sweeping the kitchen floor, helping Eva with history homework and Mehmet and Miro with their writing, and then we still had time to go out and spend the day in our meadow.
Where I had time to...

...go to Westeros. Which still is basically the reason for my absence. By now, I´m really, really angry with the author, but that doesn´t keep me from reading... on the contrary.
So, since this has just been posted a couple of minutes ago, here´s my song for the day:

And I´ll be back tomorrow, I think, to let you know what else we´ve been doing :)
See ya!

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