Friday, October 3, 2014

Goat cheese, grains and pumpkins


So - today is a national holiday in Germany, to celebrate the union after the fall of the Berlin Wall, and that means - everyone´s on the road, enjoying the free day and going on various kinds of trips and excursions. 

We had splendid weather, so off we went!
First, we visited a pumpkin farm. Like, for real. Yep, that´s how cliché we are - but we liked it :)

As you can see, the twins were over the moon for the very tiny baby pumpkins, and spent their pocket money on a really small pumpkin they now use to decorate their toy castle. 

They also liked the really big ones - this one was - behold! - Europe´s biggest pumpkin! At least that´s what they said :)

Our next stop was a mill. 

A private, small, very green mill, in a very remote area surrounded by fields. 

We were allowed to have a peak inside, where the miller explained how everything worked, and we dipped our fingers into the fresh flour. 

Next stop: The goat farm, with the cheese manufactury.

Hooray for feeding goats!

May I also point out the stellar-fashionista combination Ronja is wearing here? Note: Dress from the flea market, combined with a hat she crocheted all by herself the night before.

Feeding the goats rocks, especially when one gets cool shoe covers. Later, we even got full-body covers:

And then we got to see how the cheese was being made:

Of course we were allowed to try it, too. And I questioned the lady about how to make some at home, so you can expect some cheese-themed project in the future.

 Ronja and I had this on our mind for a while - I mean, it´s only the next logical step, following our own honey, eggs and all sorts of juice, sirup and jam, all though we will not - mark my words - NOT - get a goat for our garden. We won´t. But cheese - we can try to make some. It didn´t sound too complicated.

I do admit Eva had a tough time.

She felt too old and too awesome to be included in such childish activities, which I guess is okay - and she did hold herself quite gracious, given the circumstances she´s a teenager who´s not in the slightest interested in her family´s agricultural adventures and was yet being dragged along by us. And I was able to cheer her up with some cookies from time to time.

And speaking of food:

Freshly baked bread, goat cheese, butter, homemade fig jam, homemade plum juice and home made honey - oh, and peppermint tea fresh from the garden - that´s paradise :)

As for today´s music:

This was our sing-along tune in the car today. I love this song. I absolutetly adore it. The original is awesome, too, but I´m posting this cover because I really like how the two boys harmonize. But what´s best are the lyrics - oh, they are so fun :)

Enjoy your weekend, everybody!

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